I used to dread birthdays and claimed to be 29…again. Since cancer, though, I claim ALL of my years. No, I’m not posting it on here. Facebook doesn’t even know! LOL
You know what I did all day? I worked on the camper again and managed to get the furnace out, all of the wires labeled, and the cabinet out. I also pulled the slideout trim off, removed all of the brad nails, and all of the carpet staples, swept and vacuumed, and left it. Tonight, Cards Against Humanity with a few friends, and cheating on the Keto diet again.
Trim, cabinets, furnace, carpet and staples are all gone! The mess of wires and pipes from removing the furnace. Hopefully I can remember how to put it back together!
We went to a friend’s home where she had made Deconstructed Gyros from the Whole30 Cookbook. Since it was my birthday, I cheated on the diet and drank wayyyy too much Pinot Noir and ate cheesecake. But who wants to play Cards Against Humanity while totally sober?
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