As an adult who obviously has had ADHD forever but has never been officially diagnosed, I have a lot of hobbies that I have just started calling my “bugs”. I have a lot of “dead bugs”, some that are on ice hoping to be resurrected, and some barely living bugs. Since I was a child, I have been a collector of hobbies. I have books, because I’m a reader (on ice). I have clarinets because I was a musician (dead). I have crochet hooks because I am a crocheter (on ice). I have knitting needles because I was once a knitter (dead, I think). I have gobs and gobs of yarn, beads, elastic, needles, and other crafting supplies (hmmm). I have sewing machines (alive). I’ve collected different kinds of living animals (down to 4 chickens and two dogs). I’ve had enormous vegetable gardens (I took this summer off).

II have a closet full of canning and preserving equipment (alive). I enjoy this hobby. Here’s a picture of strawberry rhubarb jam from this spring.
I have a collection of lighthouse replicas (alive, but I don’t collect new ones anymore). I have boxes of teddy bears (dead and need to be donated to charity). I have a whole collection of fly fishing stuff (on ice). I finally got rid of all of my bowling equipment (can’t physically do it anymore). Oh, then there’s the home and RV improvement things that we do/have done (but can’t do as much of anymore.)
My newest bug is quilting. My mother and sister have been quilters for a long time and I resisted. The great thing about quilting is that I am not standing on my feet for hours, bending, or trying to lift heavy things.
I made two quilt tops but didn’t know what to do with them after that I started making bags. So here are a few of the projects I’ve done this year:

Cute, huh? Here are the two quilt tops that I’ve done.

I recently purchased a longarm quilting machine! So I’ll be able to finish these quilts and maybe someday I’ll be proficient enough to do them for other people!
Meanwhile, my husband has rekindled a bug that I though was completely dead and gone. We are going to hang out at a Mountain Man rendezvous soon and see if that’s something we want to do. If so, I guess I’ll be using my sewing machine for something else: reenactment clothing.
No affiliate links here. Just a life update! 🙂