My son bought an old travel trailer, kind of on a whim, with absolutely no knowledge of RVs. This thing was “born” in 1976 and was not cared for properly. What we thought was going to be a bit of paint and sewing cushions ended up being a huge project. We started at the top, replacing vents and sealing the metal roof, replaced rotten framing and flooring, redid the electrical and plumbing, and ended up painting the exterior.
Here are some “before” shots:

Here are the “after” shots!

Didn’t it turn out cute?? My son used it a few times when he came to stay, but then he sold it because he wasn’t able to use it often enough and no longer had a truck to pull it.
We bought the paint at Sherwin Williams, the tile and the fuzzy blankets came from Walmart. Plumbing parts came from Home Depot and of course there were items from Amazon.
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